Pay Online

PrintChloeFT2012-7537HSTo pay for your sessions online, please follow these instructions:

  1. From the drop down menu, choose the type of payment you are making (full, reservation, balance, installment). Please note: installment plans must be approved prior to selecting this option. 
  2. Click the “Pay Now” button.
  3. When the payment page appears, enter your name and a description of your session [example: “standard senior package”]
  4. Enter the dollar amount you wish to pay in the “item price” box.
  5. Click the “update” button so you can see your payment appear under “item total”.
  6. Then proceed to checkout by choosing either to pay using your Paypal account or by paying with your debit/credit card.


Payment type
Full paymentReservation (50%)Reservation balance (50%)Installment (with approval)